Knowledge of renewable energies, a lever for regional development.
- 17/09/2020
- Publié par : ARETA Academy
- Catégorie : EnR Simulation Green finance R&D EnR Renewable energies

The study of renewable energies is essential for the territories, it is an integral part of the development of a transition strategy and contributes to the coherence and robustness of the energy and climate trajectory of the territory. Thus, it makes it possible to have and cross data to make relevant choices adapted to the “resources” profile.
Renewable energy potential is defined as the amount of renewable energy that can be produced in a given territory. We distinguish :
✔ theoretical potential or gross deposit: quantity of energy that can be produced without taking into account technical, economic or environmental constraints: energy directly received from the sun or the wind, quantity of available biomass;
✔ the net potential, part of the theoretical potential taking into account: 1- technical constraints making it difficult to develop a renewable source; 2 – environmental constraints; 3 – economic constraints (project profitability, competitive energy price compared to other projects, proximity to the electricity distribution and transmission network).